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Anxiety…A Backpack of Burdens

Anxiety. . . A Backpack of Burdens

Packing…we all have found ourselves packing at different times of the year.  We pack our suitcases to go on vacation.  We pack up the clothes our kids have outgrown.  We pack lunches and school bags.  In these examples, packing is hard work, but the end result is rewarding.  We have the necessities we need during trips, our closets are organized, and our children are ready for school.  However, sometimes the things we are packing are not helpful.  Sometimes they are actually destructive!  The destructive packing I am talking about happens with anxiety.

In my book, Anxious Abby and The Camp Trust Challenge, Abby struggled with anxiety.  She packed her backpack full of Worries that symbolized her anxiety within.   The Worries were heavy and weighed her down.  Anxious Abby needed a change of heart.  She needed to replace the Worries with the Truth.  As children encounter scary situations in life, they often have tag-along worries that become a burden that weighs them down.  Worries can take the form of “What if…” or “I can’t…” thoughts.  Extreme or unrealistic conclusions can also be a source of worry.  Many worries often stem from faulty thinking and/or a lack of trust in God.

Here are some ways to help children and youth cope with anxiety.

  1. Teach kids to trust God. Share your own experiences when you trusted God and were able to move through your fear. Share and memorize Scriptures that reveal God’s good nature such as Isaiah 41:10 to replace the faulty thinking.  (Put the Scriptures to a tune they can remember.)
  2. Help kids express their worries. (Items needed: a backpack and varying sizes of books.) Have children name and describe their worries while choosing books that show how big or heavy their worries are. Have them place each worry(book) in their backpack and see how heavy the worries feel.  Say: “God wants you to give your worries to Him and He will take care of them.  Are you ready to give your worries to Jesus?  Let’s take off the backpack and pray about this together.”
  3. Check out Anxious Abby and The Camp Trust Challenge-Bible Truths for Kids who Worry with included activities geared toward children ages 6-12. (